Explorer - Viewing files from Meridian Explorer on a mobile device

This article will walk users through how to view a file stored in Meridian Explorer on a mobile device.
  • Some items of note:
    • The viewer available in Meridian Explorer only works in the Internet Explorer browser, which is NOT available on apple devices (ipads, ipods, iphones, any Mac computer or laptop).
    • Meridian Explorer is not formatted for mobile devices.  Navigating on a smaller screen may be more difficult than using a traditional laptop or desktop computer.
    • Intellimobile (mobile Meridian) or the Infrastructure Map are better for viewing files.
Users can access Meridian Explorer directly from the FIT mobile application (available on IPF issued devices), the FIT web page, the Infrastructure or Assets Maps or by going directly to the Meridian Explorer URL.

1.  Log into Meridian Explorer using campusad\msunetid.
2.  Select the file you would like to view.
3.  Click on the Review tab.
4.  Click on Hyperlink.
5.  Click on the Hyperlink drop down menu and select Download.
6.  Click on the file name hyperlink.
7.  The file will open in a new tab on your device.
        a.  If there are multiple pages, scroll up and down to see more content.