FIS closeout process

"Why is FIS holding up our Final Payment/Closeout?"

Here is why we do it, what we do for you and how you can help speed up the process...

  • FADE (Facility Asset Data Exchange)
    • Why we do it:  The reason for FADE is to make sure we are aware of and properly maintaining our asset inventory for capital renewal, planning, maintenance, cost savings, trouble calls, emergency responses and just an overall understanding of what we have and how to keep it running.
    • What we do for you: FIS reviews the information on the FADE spreadsheet and compares it to the actual submittals and project specifications, verifying the information matches the documents, all the information is filled in and we aren't missing anything.  We work with Asset Management, Preventive Maintenance and the Mappers to make sure the tracked assets have asset IDs assigned and when they are mapped in the buildings, the information displayed on the map is accurate and the documents linked to the asset ID in Meridian are correct.  This takes A LOT of time and resources and is not easy for us since we aren't involved in the project.  For a quicker turnaround, please read below as to what the project team can do to help speed the process.
    • How you can help
      • Filling out and consistently reviewing the FADE spreadsheet at all times DURING the project will ensure all parties have their chance to review it, fill out the correct information and make the closeout process move faster.
      • If you wait until the end, items may be missed and there is a lot more back and forth between the project manager, contractor, asset management and FIS trying to get it accurate than if it were filled out real time as the project happens.
  • Records Transmittal for Closeout:
    • Why we do it: FIS needs the records transmittal filled out accurately and turned in at 97% substantial completion so we know where to look for the documents and drawings and can process them accordingly.  This also helps because once we have that document in Meridian and uploaded in Unifier, we don't have to hold up the payment on our end.  This is our way of ensuring we received what we were supposed to and the contractor can be paid.
    • What we do for you: Verify everything that should have been submitted was submitted.  We then can process the files from Unifier, Autodesk Build or PlanGrid.  We can start the process of obtaining record drawings for the project.  We scan and add the transmittal into Meridian as a record that the closeout documents were turned in.  We also send the PM the electronic copy to upload into the final payment at their step.
    • How you can help: 
      • Fill the transmittal out accurately and submit marked up as-builts and subcontractor as-builts in PlanGrid or Autodesk Build.  Email to Kendra Schroeder (
      • Multiple transmittals can be filled out for different bid packs or different contractors, or if items come in at different times.  
      • This helps because once we have that document in Meridian and it is uploaded in Unifier, we don't have to hold up the payment on our end.  This is our way of ensuring we received what we were supposed to and the contractor can be paid without scrambling to locate documents and drawings.
      • Here is a link to the FIS Closeout - Final; Payment, Deliverables and FADE procedure steps for reference.
  • Submittals
    • Why we do it: Having accurate shop drawings, warranties, O&Ms, testing/start-up documentation,  and training logs available for the staff to utilize during design, repair, replacement, or responding to emergencies, etc. is critical to being a high performing organization.
    • What we do for you:  FIS will verify we have all the required documentation that was supposed to be submitted.  Once we are confident everything has been received and is correct (meaning they match the shop drawing submittals, project specification, FADE information and/or FAMIS data), then we give the okay for the final payment.  We will then add the files to Meridian, linking the Asset IDs to the documents for easier access to the files (PC and mobile).
    • How you can help:  
      • Instead of holding onto documents until closeout, Contractors are encouraged to submit them real time in PlanGrid or Autodesk Build as equipment and materials are being installed.  
      • Make sure all submittal records in PlanGrid or Autodesk Build are CLOSED.
      • This will give the Project Managers, FIS and Asset Management ample time to review and make sure we have received what we need instead of trying to rush through approvals at the end of the project.  
      • Turn in the filled out records transmittal.
  • Marked-Up As-builts-
    • Why we do it: Having accurate As-Builts available for the staff to utilize during design, keep accurate floor plans, respond to emergencies, use for way finding, etc. is critical to being a high performing organization. 
    • What we do for you: FIS collects the marked-up as-builts from the contractor and subcontractors so we can compile them into one complete set and coordinate obtaining the Record Set from the consultant.  We scan and add the marked-up set to Meridian as a record of what happened on the project.  We also send the marked-up set to the consultant(s) for them to incorporate the changes indicated and return to us as record drawings.  Any subcontractor as-builts that are on their title blocks and are clean and good, we send to the trade specific SMEs to verify they are correct, then we will process as the As-Built Record Drawings in Meridian.
    • How you can help: 
      • Review the as-builts and verify for accuracy.  FIS will process what is given to us, but the project team MUST be the ones to verify that accuracy.   Having accurate as-builts will benefit everyone.  
      • These can be submitted in in PlanGrid , Autodesk Build or hard copy, please indicate such on the transmittal.
      • Make sure the sets are complete.  If there are no changes or mark-ups on a sheet, we still need it submitted.
      • Mark the set as as-built on each sheet of the drawings or the front of the set.
      • Turn in the filled out records transmittal.  Also, when we see this document attached to the final payment, we can send it through without holding anything up.
  • As-Built Record Drawings - 
    • Why we do it: Having accurate As-Builts available to utilize during design, maintain accurate floor plans, respond to emergencies, use for way finding, etc. is critical to being a high performing organization.  We are also mandated by the government to keep a record of the drawings for historical purposes.
    • What we do for you: FIS sends the marked-up as-builts from the contractor and subcontractors to the consultant to create a clean, comprehensive record set.  We then scan and add the set to Meridian as a record of what happened on the project. We require the consultants to adhere to our MSU Documents and Drawing Submittal Standards.
      • Revit and/or AutoCAD record drawings are combined into a zip file and added to the Meridian Operational Project Drawings area.
      • One complete set in hard copy must be returned on VELLUM or TRANSLUCENT BOND and be noted as RECORD DRAWINGS in the revisions block of the title block. (see Why Vellum??? to answer any questions)
    • How you can help:
      • Verifying the marked-up as-builts are accurate will benefit everyone.
      • Give FIS the marked-up set and let us coordinate the record set with the consultant.  When this doesn't happen, things are missed or we don't get the information back correctly.
      • Please do not tell any part of the project team that "we do not need the cad files or the vellum set".  If they hear this from you, they will not give us what we need and the consultant's final payment will be held up until we get the things we require.
Hopefully this helps you to understand that we are here to help and support all of IPF and MSU by ensuring we receive accurate and complete deliverable documents.  This quality control is a critical part of making sure we are a high performing organization and doing the very best we can to build and maintain this beautiful campus.

Click here for the full PDC Capital Project Closeout procedure