FIT Login credentials

Most of the information in the Facilities Information Tool is public, but when you see a padlock icon, you will need to use your MSU NetID and password to access the information.

Mapping Applications:
  • Use your MSU NetID and password.
  • Check the box to have the system remember your credentials during the session.
Document Management System:
  • Type campusad\ in front of your MSU NetID.
  • Use your MSU NetID and password.

  • Do not use your IPF credentials to log in.
  • Clear clear the cache on your browser.
  • If Meridian Explorer loads a generic home page, it is still using your IPF credentials.  You cannot logout, so you will need to follow these instructions to fix the issue in the windows credential manager.
  • Links from FIT are not working…
    • In Chrome - Open an incognito tab in your browser (ctrl+shift+N), navigate to the page or paste the link to FIT and see if it works there.  If yes, then clear your cache again.  If no, call support.
  • If you are using a Meridian Explorer on a mobile device, to view files, follow these instructions.